Advice for new students and staff members associated with required safety training

Requirements for new staff

New members of staff have the same safety roles and responsibilities as students and must complete the following training: 

  1. Day one safety training.
  2. Month one safety training (MOST)
  3. Fire safety and awareness training

Above the basic training, staff have further safety roles and legal responsibilities detailed in safety management roles and responsibilities. 

If you manage a student or staff member, you will also be responsible for their safety requirements. This may include their safety when working in a laboratory and/or fieldwork. For further information on this, contact the Departmental Safety Officer (DSO).

Requirements for new students 


Taught undergraduate and postgraduate students  

Most taught undergraduate and postgraduate students will attend a scheduled safety induction at the beginning of their first term. Details about the time and location for the induction sessions will be communicated to you by your course administrators. This will cover all aspects of safety training, including day one safety training. If you miss the safety induction, contact your tutor or the Departmental Safety Officer (DSO) to arrange alternative training. 

If you fail to complete the safety induction, your CID card could be withheld or withdrawn. 

Research postgraduate students 

As research students often join the College at different times throughout the year, there are no specific safety induction sessions. Instead, it is the responsibility of the student’s supervisor to ensure that the student has completed the following safety training: 

  1. Day one safety training.
  2. Month one safety training (MOST).
  3. Fire safety and awareness training.

If the student is working in a laboratory, the supervisor must also ensure, at a minimum, that the student has completed the following training:

  1. Risk assessment foundation training (RAFT)
  2. Control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH) - COSHH training is now done on a one-to-one basis. Contact the DSO to arrange a training session. 

There will be other local laboratory training requirements and inductions for each laboratory. The details of these training requirements can be obtained from the relevant laboratory manager. 

ESE Health and Safety

Due to the complex mix of risks within the department, finding out what procedures to follow and how to apply them can be a little daunting. 

Visit the ESE Health and Safety guidance pages.

ESE Fieldwork Information